Texolid®: the authentic pleasure of natural materials.
Il Texolid® è uno speciale composto di resina acrilica, materiale altamente performante per caratteristiche tecniche e solidità strutturale. E’ un materiale compatto, con omogeneità di colore e densità in tutto il suo spessore densità.
Le finiture di Texolid® sono vere e proprie superfici tridimensionali, texturizzate per garantire una resa estetica di alto impatto visivo ed un’eccellente ergonomia in termini di grip.
Texolid® products preserve constant stability over time. Even the highest thermal shocks are not able to alter the chemical-physical properties of the product.The material is not porous, so it is completely waterproof. It is endowed with a high resistance to abrasion and to thermal excursions up to 120° C.

The production process takes place in the Relax Design® laboratories. It includes two phases: injection moulding and maturation. These let the material to be free of any internal tension.
Texolid® products are mass-colored and free from any surface treatment or painting: this special production method makes the Texolid® complements totally refurbishable.
Cleaning and maintenance:
Cleaning and Maintenance: Texolid® can be treated and cleaned with normal surface cleaning products, including acid-based products. In case of slight scratches and minor damage,it is possible to restore on the spot by a specialized Relax Design® technician.On request, it is possible to equip the Texolid® products with the special SHIELD treatment, which consists of a permanent anti-scale film that makes the surface unattackable by any external agent.
Ripristinare scalfiture con kit specifico
It is possible to restore a product made of Texolid marble-resin, in a few steps and independently,
removing small
damages such as nicks and scratches using the restoration kit. For further information, we
invite you to contact the
official Relax Design reseller network.